Future West Arenacross Championships | RD 3/4 Chilliwack, BC
November 29, 2017
Photos by James Lissimore
Here we are at rounds 3 and 4 of the Future West AX Championships and the competition is heating up with some familiar faces running up front. We have James Lissimore back in the saddle to shoot for us after his extended European tour following the MXON. Let's take a look at some of the action from Chilliwack this past weekend.

Jess Pettis ready to take on the weekend in Chilliwack.

Team mate Shawn Maffenbeier gets settled in on the line.

Ready to rock!

Shawn Maffenbeier waits in staging for the Pro Open.

Jess Pettis on the gas in the Pro Open.

Davey Fraser wide open in the Pro Am Lights.

BC native Marcus Deausy took 2nd OA in 250 Intermediate and Open Intermediate classes on Friday night and then went on to finish 4th OA in the 250 Intermediate class and 6th OA in the Open Intermediate class on Saturday night.

Young gun Tyler Gibbs is the guy to beat in the Intermediate classes.

Shawn Maffenbeier took 2nd OA in Pro Open and 3rd OA in Pro Am Lights on Friday night and then went on to take 4th OA in the Pro Open class and 1st place in the Pro Am Lights on Saturday night.

Taking the win in the Pro Open class on Saturday night. Pettis talks to the full house at Chilliwack on his win.

Davey Fraser would take 9th OA in Pro Open and 8th OA in Pro Am Lights on Saturday night.

Don't let the yellow plate fool you. That's Jess Pettis on a borrowed bike after his bike ran into some issues before the gate dropped.

Shawn telling Jess just what he thinks.

Tyler Gibbs finished 8th OA in the 250 Intermediate class and 4th OA in the Open Intermediate class on Friday night. He would then go on to sweep both the 250 Intermediate and the Open Intermediate classes on Saturday night.

Maffenbeier navigating the tight track.

Shawn finding his groove.

Style check Davey Fraser.

Style check Jess Pettis.

Shameless corporate plug.

Maffenbeier rails the corner and takes the win for the Pro Am Lights.

Digging in with Jess Pettis.

Davey Fraser has this indoors thing figured out.

The unstoppable younger Gibbs, Travis Gibbs. He swept both the 65cc (10-11) and 85cc (7-11) both nights. Remember this kid's name.

Lined up tight at the gate, Shawn and Davey ready to do battle.

A little prep work before the race.

Ready to race.

Heading into round 5, your points leaders for Pro Open with Jess Pettis in first and Shawn Maffenbeier a close second.

Cheers for the Maff from the Chilliwack crowd.

Aldergrove, BC native, Charles Charlton took on the 85cc (12-16) class and currently sits in 5th OA in points. He also holds 14th in Schoolboy and 11th in Supermini.

Nanaimo, BC rider Joey Parkes sits in 10th place for 250 Intermediate and holds 9th place in Open Intermediate heading into round 5.

As we head into the next round Marcus Deusy holds 16th in Schoolboy, 10th in 250 Intermediate and 9th in Open Intermediate.