Future West Arenacross Championships | RD 7/8 Chilliwack, BC
February 6, 2018
Photos by James Lissimore
Well we are back on track with the Future West AX series here in Chilliwack. Rounds 7 and 8 took place this past weekend and while there was a mediocre turnout, there was still plenty of action. Among the top riders who were M.I.A, Pro Am Lights/Pro Am Open competitor Jess Pettis has been training in California and decided to take on the AMA supercross series south of the border. Let's take a look at some of the FXR athletes who lined up in Chilliwack.

Tyler Gibbs suiting up and heading to the line.

Tyler Gibbs would go 1/1 in 250 Intermediate and 4/5 in Open Intermediate.

Thomas Marston would take 9/5 in the 85cc (7-11) class.

Young Braxton Zeitner would go 1/3 in 50cc (4-6) and 1/DNS in 50cc Open.

Winfield, BC native Layne Nuyens would take 3/4 in 250 Junior and 8/2 in Open Junior.

Rockin' 3 classes in Chilliwack, Deegan Nuyens would take 7/6 in 250 Junior, 3/6 in Open Junior and 5/3 in Schoolboy.

Another rider taking on 3 classes last weekend was Jayden Debodt. Jayden would go 2/1 in 50cc (7-9), 2/2 in 50cc Open and 4/3 in 65cc (7-9).

Deegan Nuyens kicking it up a notch.

Younger Gibbs brother, Travis takes 1/1 in 65cc (10-11), 1/2 in 85cc (7-11) and 5/4 in Supermini.

Charles Charlton would go 7/9 in Supermini and 4/4 in 85cc (12-16).

Keep your eye on Tyler Gibbs. This guy is a mover and a shaker.

And following close in his brother's footsteps, Travis Gibbs will be a name you should remember too.

X marks the spot.

That's #21 Trevor Carlson. He ended up DNS for the Pro Open when he ended up popping his shoulder out and busting up his nose pretty good. Heal up Trevor!

Another shot of Braxton Zeitner killing it at Chilliwack.

Jayden Debodt flying through the whoops.

Trevor Carlson on a mission.

Travis Gibbs sizing up the competition in the big barn.

Deegan Nuyens ready to take on Abbotsford.

The calm before the storm.

Nice big whip over the finish line jump for Tyler Gibbs.

Travis Gibbs

Deegan Nuyens

Wesley Carlson would go DNS/6 in Supermini and DNS/10 in Schoolboy.

Nanaimo, BC native Joey Parkes would take 13/5 in 250 Intermediate and 10/2 in Pro Am Lights.

See you guys in Abbotsford on the 24th for Round 9.