Round 1 Abbotsford AX | Photo Report
Round 1 Abbotsford AX | Photo Report
April 9, 2019
by Dawn McClintock
Photos by James Lissimore
It's been a long winter waiting for any sort of dirt bike related race to start up here in Canada that didn't involve screwing studs to your tires or swapping out your front wheel for a ski and putting on your snow gear. The wait is finally over and start of the Rockstar Energy Triple Crown series kicked off in Abbotsford, BC with Round 1 of their AX Tour. While the track did break down pretty quickly (there was a lot of moisture in it) and involved a fair bit of maintenance between motos, it was nothing like the soupy mess that was last year's season opener. We saw some fierce battles that will shape into some exciting racing over the course of the AX Tour and it should be fun to see where things end up at the final round in Barrie, ON next month. Here's a look from Round 1 through the lens of James Lissimore.