Round 4 High Point MX National | Photo Report
June 22, 2018
Photos by Brown Dog Wilson

The stage is set at High Point.

Jeremy Smith #309 would take 37th in moto one.

#139 Nathen LaPorte finishes 23rd in moto one.

Henry Miller would take 20th in moto one.

Kyle Cunningham looking strong in the outdoors.

Cunningham would take a solid 10th in the first moto.

Cody Williams getting things dialled in at High Point.

Williams would take 39th in moto one.

#514 Anthony Roth

#818 James Barry from MD.

James Barry

Cody Williams would take 22nd in moto two to give him 32nd overall.

Kyle Cunningham would take 12th in moto two to give him an impressive 10th overall.

Cody Williams

Kyle Cunningham

Heading back to the pits after a hard earned 10th place finish.

Henry Miller was involved in a bit of a tangle up in the first turn.

Anthony Roth would take 30th in moto two to give him 42nd overall.

Anthony Roth

Henry Miller putting on a charge. He would take 17th in moto two to give him 21st overall.

Jeremy Smith would take 25th in moto two to give him 33rd overall.

Nathen LaPorte would take a 32nd in moto two to give him 27th overall.

Tyler Lowe would go 32-28 to give him a 31st overall.

Hanging it out for the crowd at High Point.

Kyle Cunningham

Anthony Roth

See you guys in Tennessee!